Thursday, September 27, 2012

Goodbye To The Atlantic Ocean

Before we turned the corner and started back west we decided to head to the beach and say goodbye to the Atlantic Ocean. When we first spied the Atlantic we were down in Georgia, now we were up in New Hampshire about to visit Elijah's Cousins David and Linda in Portsmouth.

We drove out to one of the little islands right along the New Hampshire coast and got out to walk on the beach for a moment. Little did we know that we had picked the beach of stacking rock towers.

An unusual way to say good bye to the east coast. It was a beautiful day and the ocean was gorgeous. Elijah had gone surfing near where we were earlier that day, and you could see that the waves were beautiful for surfing.

Elijah and the kids made their own rock tower, and I examined the rocks and the piles of sea shells that made up the beach we were standing on.

Goodbye Atlantic! It may be a while before we see you again.


  1. it looks like our East Coast is now safe with the fine towers you all built. so now just come back to the West coast where we are waiting for you... love, papadondon and granma Veva

    1. We're on our way. But it's gonna take a couple weeks.
