Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Boston With Old Friends

We had the best weekend hanging out in the outskirts of Boston with a family we've known since the baby group days in Palo Alto. It was so comfortable to be with them we found ourselves homesick as we were leaving. For the first time on this journey we really wanted to have a home to go home to, and in many ways it was because Sam and Jennifer and the girls made the experience of home so palpable to us.

Sam and Jennifer have a really beautiful back yard.

Their chicken coup was given a new window that weekend by Sam.

It was really a great visit. Our kids got along, the grown ups got along, and the dads got to go surfing on Sunday morning.

Elijah got to go surfing with Sam, they drove up to New Hampshire. The surf was really good that day.

We didn't see the sights of Boston or go to any museums or visit any monuments, we hung out, like normal people with normal families. It was very sweet.

Jennifer took us to Jamaica Plan to look at art and wander around a cute neighborhood. The kids got in a good walk and we got to see Bostonians in their natural environment. It was a beautiful afternoon excursion.

Izzy and Elenore played all weekend together. Izzy grew so attached to her that he didn't want to leave.
Apart from the undercooked Grass Fed hamburgers we were all surprised to receive at a rather over priced hipster burger place.

We've known Grace since she was a baby. I absolutely adore this girl.

Jennifer had allowed herself to be talked into carrying Hannah from the car to the restaurant.

After lunch we headed out into the neighborhood for a walk. Hannah is totally in love with Grace and refused to leave her side most of the journey.

Hannah running on a lawn to show Grace how fast she is.

We went in to a cool children's store that belongs to Jennifer's friend.

The kids played with toys while Jennifer picked out a present for a birthday party.

Eli had a lot of suggestions about what Jennifer should buy.

Elenore really wanted to be the one to pick the present.

We finally moved all the kids out of the toy store and continued our journey.

Hannah showed me that she could hop on one leg.

The kids found a great yard next to an old school house that they could play in.

Izzy was pretending to be a dog and fetch a stick. I suggested this one was far too big.

He found a more practical sized stick.

So did Elenore.

Hannah made Grace play ring around the rosie with her.

Grace was a really good sport about it.

Even though she really wasn't that into it.

We were all pretty tired by the end of our walk.

Jennifer is so beautiful and so great to hang out with.

She's always made my kids feel comfortable.

Even after a couple of hours Hannah still insisted on holding Grace's hand.

I am so jealous that the people of Massachusetts get to vote for Elizabeth Warren! I totally want to vote for her!

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